Sunday 28 April 2013

An Explanation

Ok, first off, I'm very sorry for not posting more over these past few weeks. IRL problems got in the way, including illness, exams and camping. From now on, I should have a little bit more time to do some of this stuff, so I'll be able to devote a little bit more time to this blog. I hope you understand, and I hope you enjoy the blog.

Secondly, thanks to my girlfriend for the awesome artwork for the background. I decided to go with something other than the default templates, and so an image is a creative and great way of making the whole blog really stand out from everything else.

Thirdly, I decided that doing the big Slenderseries would be far too obvious, and too easy, so I'm going to go for the more obscure ones. I'll be searching around places like Slender Haven (, I would check it out, it's brilliant) for some of the less universally known web series. That means a few things. Firstly, no more reviews of any of the big three vlog series. That means no EMH, no Tribe Twelve and no Marble Hornets. I may do the big blogs, I haven't decided yet, but I definitely will not review any more of those three. I will watch them, and I recommend watching them, but no reviews. Yes, I did just become Slender hipster.

I will also be doing video games, starting with Slender The Eight Pages, and possibly moving onto Slender The Arrival depending on whether I have enough pairs of trousers to get through it all.

Most importantly, it means that the order in which I do things will change. So, coming up next is a review the first bit of Let's Play of Slenderman's Shadow, from someone who decided to make their LP a little bit different. This will be followed by I Am Stardust.

Thank you for reading, understanding and (hopefully) enjoying the blog. Come back next time for Let's Play of Slenderman's Shadow. Sleep tight, don't let the Slenderbugs bite!

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